Sunday, 27 July 2014

Desi's trees!

My most humble apologies to Jason - this blog stalled while I tried to outdo Hockney with the photos I had taken featuring Desi's trees. I have to admit defeat; the trees were magnificent, but my attempts to portray them are not. Even so I hope these images give an idea of the splendid outlook in every direction, as well as the presence of these trees 'inside' the house. Desi assures me that where they have moved is wonderful, with established fruit trees and flatter ground for the horses. Maybe I will have the chance to compare someday, but this seemed to me like utopia. These trees even inspired ME(!) to rise early so that I could photograph them in a variety of  lighting conditions. I trust the new owners will be able to maintain this land as well as Ross and Desi had been doing.

Sunrise, enjoyed over several early mornings

Our bathroom

Our recently acquired new camera can take panoramic views - where is the challenge in that?