Saturday, 13 July 2013

We are Sailing

Monday 17th June: Over the following three days I spent more time planting trees and tested out a local swimming hole. Steve also taught me various skills including axe wielding, fire making and using a 'dingo' vehicle for digging and heavy lifting!

Very early on Thursday morning - before sunrise - we left Diwan to once again head south to Innisfail. After some cleaning and maintenance work Steve's new boat was launched in the Johnstone river. Rigging up was hard work and required putting the mast up and down a couple of times after noticing some jammed parts. Eventually we got the boat into the water and motored it along to a friend's mooring. A hard day's work called for a buffet dinner at a local Italian restaurant.
Boat on the water with ominous looking clouds
Next morning meant time to start the sailing trip for real! Final preparations were made and Steve, Tanya's son Beau and girlfriend Emily, and I started on our way out to sea. Our first destination, Russell Island, took several hours to reach, during which time we each took turns at the helm. We invaded the island and climbed a boulder for improved view before mooring overnight at nearby Normanby Island.
Skipper on course for Russell Island
We set off for our next target island, Fitzroy. A few hours later we jumped off and set up tents ready for the night before taking some time to have a drink and explore. 
Sunset seen from Fitzroy Island
The next stop, the following morning, was Green Island, a rather flat island, making it almost invisible as we left Fitzroy. We made it there without mishap and spent a while wandering around before setting off for final stop Cairns. This last leg was heading into wind and made for a more tumultuous trip. We returned freezing cold and soaking wet and I was ready to check back into the hostel for a warm shower and early night!
Leaving Green Island

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