Wednesday, 4 September 2013

These legs are made for walking (and cycling)

I took my faithful but rusty bike out again on Friday 2nd August morning; cadging a lift with Ralph down to Toombul I cycled round Shaw Park then back to Boondall following a creek. I returned to Oxley where I finally had all my possessions in one place again! After a tough day I had an early night and a laid back Saturday...
Pleasant creek cycle
My Australian Oboe performance debut came the following day, at Queensland's Lutheran Synod, playing classic item Gabriel's Oboe! Following this I rambled around the city for a while before returning home with Marie to cook what turned out to be an extremely tasty and succulent steak marinaded in lemon myrtle, ginger and salt. Not much happened next day - Marie and I went shopping, had some sushi and I practiced some music. Most importantly we discovered the identity of the new Doctor; I am looking forward to see what Malcolm Tucker makes of the role...
Photo incorporating many of the Brisbane bridges
Marie took me to a local sushi restaurant for lunch on Tuesday and then dropped me off in Milton; I had decided to be adventurous and attempt to intuitively find my way back to Oxley from town. Easier said than done - the loops in the Brisbane river make for tricky navigation and it took a couple of attempts to get past the first hill at Highgate! Clearly I have not done enough walking around Brisbane! A few more times getting lost and several hours later I made it back, shortly after nightfall, and sat down for a long while... Dinner was very late!
View of Brisbane from Highgate Hill
My legs needed a relaxing day on Wednesday so I embarked on a short jaunt around Oxley Creek. I also spent a fair bit of the day catching up on my blogging, hoping to reduce the influx of angry emails, letters and phone calls ;) In the evening I was picked up by Marie's friends Kath and Des who drove me to Eight Mile Plains to answer any questions their son Matt (about to be studying in London) may have about how things work in England! After pizza and some time looking over a map of London I was ready to go back to Oxley with Marie.
Oxley creek

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