Friday, 3 January 2014

Travels with Mum

Friday 20 September. We left early in the morning to place Kimba 'in care' before Ros began her last day of the school term. After a brief hello with Robin and Melinda before their teaching day started, Ros whisked us off, via the trophy shop, to rendezvous with some more people! At Trinder Park we saw Dulcie (matron of Katherine House when Mum lived there, and recently discovered to be a second cousin of Mum's father!) and admired her red hippeastrums in full bloom.

Mrs G near her front door
We walked together to Lydia and Ed (who had worked hard to create a flourishing garden), pausing along the way to appreciate some orchids. Mum's cousin Joy met us there (I was still getting used to the way everyone seems to somehow know or be related to everyone else!) and took us to her home in Runcorn for lunch. Joy's brother Colin and wife Lorraine visited in the afternoon; family history books were viewed, and one even purchased!

Lydia, Dulcie, Ed and Bronwyn under flowering bottle brush
Jason and Dulcie enjoying morning tea with Lydia and Ed
Jason, Joy, Lorraine and Colin
Ros collected us after school and we drove to Toowoomba to mum's cousin Ruth and husband Andreas. After a quick hello, Sue met us here and took us to our Westbrook home for the next days where her partner John, a butcher by trade, had prepared a delicious BBQed dinner.

Once again we were to have the company of an active 10mth old kitten. Percy, missing his owner Zoe who was away a few days, had a quaint habit of ambushing Mum as she walked along the hallway. Not quite as frightening I felt as the Australian magpies which I first encountered in Adelaide.
Percy, a determined explorer

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